Sunday, August 15, 2010

For The Love of Music

I have always loved music , even as a small child. I grew up listening to lots of different people in my family play music. My uncle and his friends used to pick and sing together on the weekends. My Nanny and her friend Francis used to sing while a couple of their friends played the guitar. I have always loved the sound of a guitar and hoped to one day learn how to play it. It has taken me thirty five years to get to that point but I guess better late than never.

The first musical instrument I played was the violin. I took lessons in the second and third grade and needless to say, lost interest very quickly. My next exposure to a musical interest did not come until the age of thirty one. Once again I wanted to learn how to play the guitar. I have to give my husband most of the credit for this. He took up the interest in playing the mandolin . I listened to endless hours of him practicing and many different versions of whatever song he was learning at the time. After a couple of years of listening to this , I decided to join him.

I started out picking an Ibanez and a Norman guitar. It only took a month and my husband traded a mandolin to get me my first Martin guitar. Now that's love only a true musician could understand. I was ecstatic about my new guitar but also realized that I was committed to learning the guitar. Like it or not, I was in it for the long haul. Some people wait a lifetime to get an instrument that nice. For me it was only a month. Thanks again, baby.

Yes, one of the best parts of my days comes at about sundown, after the daily chores of supper and bath time have been completed. My husband Steve and I get out the picking chairs and instruments and sit down to pick a few tunes together. We pick some bluegrass and some fiddle tunes. It's all good with me. I just like to pick. We usually pick everyday for an hour or two and sometimes at a local jam on the weekends. Always learning new tunes as we go. I am proud to say we have at least seven videos on You Tube of us picking together. Making music and making memories make me very happy. If I could turn back time I would have done this years ago.

This is our latest video. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed playing it!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Meet our new puppy named "Rascal". He is Australian cattle mix with some terrier, I think . He is three months old. He is cute as a button and sweeter than sugar. My husband picked him out online at the Greenville Humane Society website. Some say he looks like "Scud" from Toy Story or Bolt. He also looks a lot like Spuds McKenzie. If you grew up in the eighties you would certainly recognize that dog. My son, David, says "He is the perfect dog" and that's what really matters. He sleeps in his crate like a champ, but house breaking him is another story. I have no doubt that he will catch on soon . He is learning how to fetch a ball and he is excellent at cuddling. We are looking forward to making lots of memories with him. This is to "Rascal". Welcome to your new home , sweet puppy.